Gifts for those who have everything
Do you know this kind of people who have everything or - on the contrary - don't need anything at all? They are always at the top of the list of Christmas "favourites" when it comes to choosing the right gift. We've been thinking long and hard for you at Kulina and here's our list of gifts that have the power to put a smile on the face of even the biggest sceptics, even the most spoilt and those who go to extremes when it comes to practicality.
Unbreakable? Seriously? Prove it!
They say you can't have too many glasses at home and this is because they tend to break all the time. But, it doesn't have to be like that... Glasses made of durable, environment-friendly plastic can also look great and they won't break! The glasses that we offer come from Club collection by the German brand Koziol, which offers practical, 100% sustainable products for everyday use. No matter if it's a tornado or a bunch of kids that are going to pass through your house, it will be ready for it.

Well, this is nonsense...
These items were created by the world's leading designers working for the Italian brand Alessi. Their goal was to entertain and provoke, but they didn't want their designs to be "just for show". So if you are asking yourself, what do I need a beaver for these days, take a closer look. The powerful, shiny beaver bites into your pencil and won't let go until it's razor-sharp. Regular pencils aren't out of fashion and neither is the beaver. Check out other goodies for the office.
Punk is not dead
Punk is not dead. And you can really feel like a rebel when after a hard day's work you pour your favourite drink into one of the glasses from Nachtmann Punk glass collection. British design student Anke Buchmann designed this successful collection for the German glass factory as part of the NextGen program. Small pyramids typical of punk "collars" give traditional glass an unconventional twist.
You don't need it. But you want it.
He already has some high-quality chef's knife. That's for sure. But... does he have a sabre? What does he need a sabre for? Well, for a sabrage of course! If you want to show off in front of your friends (whether they are your workmates or groomsmen), you won't be popping the champagne just like that, right?
Beautiful kitchen knives will melt the heart of every cooking lover. Sometimes he or she are secretly dreaming about them, but they wouldn't buy them by themselves and that's why you (aka Santa) are here. From the "I don't really need it" category come steak knives. Every cook and meat lover would like to have them but their heart always fights with the reason. However, once they try them, they will never want to "prick" the steak with a standard knife again.